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Assignment: Studio of Life Pilates
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

This assignment was taken a couple of months back. It was for a pilates studio in Kemang, Studio of Life, it’s in Kemang Raya just down further from the Pizza Hut (maybe some of you are regulars here?)

Now, I’ve heard about pilates a lot, but I never see it first hand. Most of it was like physiotherapy for me, and I cannot understand why they say it will lose your fat and you can make a great body by doing it. Francy got a free trial session, and just from the simple movements, like sit-ups and bending her body in some directions, the personal trainer can tell what’s wrong with her backbone and posture. And just from those simple movements, her whole body ached for two days, hahaha…

After getting the right (and passionate) explanation from Yolanda, the owner (she also do pilates devotedly), I started to appriciate this form of sport (sport?). She said, “Aerobics, or a lot of other sports will make your body healthier, stronger, but it will also make you look buff-er, you’ll develop big strong muscles, which, especially for women, are not that nice to look at. Pilates will do all that, but it will still give you a slender and graceful look of a nice body form.” And it’s true. Now I say this with the utter respect to her, but she does have one great body. One that will turn heads (in a good way, gentlemen). When I directed one of the trainers, by holding his upper and lower arms, I can really feel what she was talking about. I can feel the tightness of the skin, and the ‘dry’ look of the muscles. The guy is also amazingly fit-looking, all the while without looking like a gym-addict-muscle-display (sorry you gym-addicts out there 🙂 )

She continued to explain to me that pilates is also very good for those with bad backs, scoliosis, troubled postures and injuries. The movements are gentle, graceful, yet powerful. The trainers which are pictured here, they all sweated like they have just run a two mile hike. I was surprised by this. All they do is just turn, pose, bend, very slowly. Maybe it was a lot like yoga. I don’t know, I never tried one of the courses 🙂 I’m interested though 🙂

If you guys are interested, you could call Dhina, the studio manager on 021 719 8814 / 688 18 2388, or email her here: – full address:

Studio of Life
Stott Pilates
Jl. Kemang Raya No 83H, 2nd Floor
Kemang – Jakarta 12730

(behind the scene pictures are coming)

The above image is my favorite pose, and also the most difficult of all