folder Filed in Exhibition, Thoughts
Exhibition: I am so happy
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

Looks like what I need to remedy my lack of sleep is seeing my space
coming to life. We had a few bumps regarding the general rules of the
expo, but all is blessing in disguise. Don't let a problem brings you
down, but make what you can out of it. Because some of the
restriction, my space is better built n concepted.

I am so happy. Not because a lot of people are going to enjoy dropping
by at my place tommorow, we don't know that yet, but mainly because I
am pleased about my space. Now I am a hard man to please, especially
regarding design n production quality. But this time, I must say, I am
pleased 🙂

Thanks to Johan n Yu Cien who did it once again 🙂 Greaaaat woooork
you guys!

One word of advice: don't hesitate to come inside my space, its quite
cozy 🙂

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