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What you can do with your phone
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

Chase Jarvis put on a little photography contest to give away his old iPhone (he switched to, of course, the new iPhone 3GS). For those who come in late, Chase is a Seattle based photographer who unofficially has become the pop culture icon of the photographer’s blogosphere (along with, among others, David Hobby a.k.a The Strobist). He has a cool blog with tons of tricks and wisdom in it, which I think almost all senior and aspiring photographers visit everytime they go on the net.

Back to the contest, the only criteria is that the image must be shot with a phone. The results came back amazing. Makes you wonder that thing on your hand could do a lot more than just updating the world that you are having a great lunch at that new place, eh? I myself also have a humble iPhone shots gallery, but didn’t notice his blog post about the contest, too bad 🙂 Do you think I’ll stand a chance?

The winner of the contest is this first image, by a guy named Omar in Canada. You earned it Omar.