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Miracle happens everyday
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments
There’s a little tradition that my friends started in our mailing list. Everytime a ‘miracle’ happens in our lives, they write it down and email it to the list so all of us could read it. It doesn’t have to be a ‘water into wine’ miracle, but the small things that let us know that this could not be a coincidence. The little stories are heartwarming and reminds us that we are not alone in the journey.

An obvious one happened just now. I was driving out of my house while thinking about this particular portraits session where I have to get a golden reteriver. Suddenly there’s this golden on the road, walked by his keeper! I then remembered that one of our neighbours has a Goldie. After a little chat he was totally excited about the idea. Driving away, I just keep thinking, “Jeez, all that’s missing is just a platter.”

I have tons of stories like this in my life, and with each one I am more certain to my belief, that there’s no coincindences in life.

We all live the same life, in the same circumstances, but the happier ones are those who put on the right pair of glasses.

Have a great week everybody,

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