folder Filed in Journal, Thoughts, Wedding And Marriage
Why Do People Get Married?
Edward Suhadi comment 5 Comments

The sad truth is that people do things because other people are doing it. It’s just the next logical thing to do.

I sincerely believe that a boy and a girl should come together for only one reason: that they become better persons when they are together. They become happier, wiser, prettier, stronger, funnier, smarter, richer, slimmer, healthier, kinder (grammar check), all the good stuff. And they emit those pulses, those strength and kindness. You can feel them when you are around them. If you observe the truly happy couple amongst you, if you have the honor of having one in your life, you know what I am talking about.

Don’t get married just because of love. It’s too Disney. Love is a feeling. And we humans should know, they don’t get very far.

That lady said it best in ‘Up In The Air’, “Everybody needs a co-pilot.”

Thank you Francy for being the best one for the last three years. Happy anniversary. Let’s grow old together 🙂

(This picture is taken 11 years ago. As you can see, we were ugly, stupid, poor, and smelly. Looking at where we are now, I know we’re heading the right way.)

anniversary marriage

  1. Edward, do you like the song “Every Summer With You” by Homer and Marge Simpsons? Go listen to it if you haven’t. It’s one of my favorite songs and it really reflects a lovely marriage relationship. Happy Anniversary!! 🙂

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