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Notes from the beach
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments
Me and Francy are on the Seminyak beach watching the sunset. We just ate some pork satay and corn BBQ, with some cold Bintangs we bring.

No schedules, no plans. We’re now just sitting on the sand leaning against each other and hear the waves and wait till its dark. I swear we make pretty cool pictures if there’s a photographer around. Where’s Awie when you need him? 🙂

Total cost of this heavenly experience: Rp 47.000,- (that includes the parking entrance fee, the satay, the corns, the Bintangs.)

Go down south about 50 meters in one of the clubs and you’ll spend at least 5 times that. Same beach, same waves, same beer, definetely less experience (in my opinion).

Just writing this post to share something that me and Francy have learned in our travelling days: blissful doesn’t always mean expensive. Often we get to believe the opposite.

And plus I’m cheap.


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bali beach notes