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Show our failures
Edward Suhadi comment One Comment

Watching the video this early morning, I was moved into tears. The man cries a lot, I know. But this one is powerful, well at least for me.

I’ve been following Charity: Water and its founder Scott Harrison – I wrote a blogpost about them a while ago.

This being a drill to mark their 4th anniversary, Scott’s 35th birthday, and 200th well drilled in Central African Republic, you cannot help but see dissapointment in their faces.

As they wrote:

“It was a heartbreaking and messy day. We’d hoped to show you footage of a joyful village celebrating a successful drill, but we didn’t achieve that today.”

What moved me is that they’re here to show their failure. Not many of us can do that. Most of us, me included, love to show only the polished success stories, in our blogpost, our resumes, our job interviews and even our small talks.

Took a great man to admit failures, they say. And most of them who do that, will do whatever it takes to learn from their failures to build success in the future. It’s not the falling, but the getting up that makes a man, they also say.

Scott and JIm, you’re already heroes in my heart. It goes out to you and your great team. Don’t sweat it.

Give a man a glass of water and you shall not miss your reward, the Good Book says. Couldn’t think a more appropriate prayer for you guys.

And Scott, I wouldn’t have my birthday any other way, coolest party in the whole world 🙂

PS: For you guys who are moved by their cause can join the movement

UPDATE: Scott has managed to get water after they move the drill site:

And this is the finished well:

charity water

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