folder Filed in Coolfinds, Thoughts
This is gonna be the coolest video ever!
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

Okay, there’s three scenarios on how this video got made:

Scenario One, the client came with the idea, “I want balls of light coming out of my lips, and they will hit my man, and he will go down into the ground. This gonna be awesome! This is gonna be the coolest video ever!”

Scenario Two, the videographer came with the idea, “So I know a couple of this tricks using computers, there’s gonna be special effects, like you see in Iron Man 2! This is gonna be the coolest video ever!”

Scenario Three, there’s just been another nuclear meltdown in Russia and everyone in the video has been affected by the radiation and lost their brain function.

I’m leaning hard on number two. The couple does not look like a couple who knows anything about movie production, and the videographer maybe got them to do the script after a whole lotta vodka.

Three things crossed my mind watching the video:

One: As a creative, don’t have a ‘You pay me so I will do whatever you wish’ mentality. I came across a lot of ridiculous idea in my professional carreer, and sure, early on, I bow to some ideas that I personally disagree. But as you get mature and more confident, you will be able to say no to ideas that are not in sync with your heart or taste. People should hire you for your taste, preference, and style. They’re not hiring a programmed machine with a coin slot. Have a say. Show them the light.

Two: As a client, use some common sense and judgement. If the photographer told you, “Okay, move your hands like so, like you’re volleying a ball of light, I will add the ball in post-production, okay? Cool!” – you know this is not right. Lots of clients I see follow their photographer blindly. In a way it’s good for the photographer, but bad for the clients when they see the results. Have a look at their portfolio. Use your judgement: “Is this guy a crazy genius or just plain crazy?” I admit most of the time, the difference is thin, but again, look at their portfolio and track records.

Three: Execution is key. I mean, I am all about forward thinking and trying new things and going where’s no man has gone before, so don’t take point number two in a wrong way. I’ve asked tons of clients to go out of their comfort zone (this comes to mind), trying something new, because there’s nothing stirs a true creative mind like a fresh project. But the key is execution. You could have the craziest idea in the world, but if you execute it beautifully, you will create a fresh, new masterpiece. On the contrary: crazy idea + horrible execution = crazy lunatic drunk russian throwing energy balls wedding video in the woods.

So make sure you plan ahead, have a say, have some confidence, be good at what you do, know your photographer or videographer, take chances, try something new, execute it well, and you will be making great work in no time.

Now excuse me I have to replay this thing.

russian wedding video