folder Filed in Thoughts, Works by Edward
I am a proud daddy
Edward Suhadi comment 3 Comments

This is Henry when we prayed for him this morning.

He is now on a plane flying to New Zealand right at this moment, with a group of people on tour to the magnificent middle-earth. He’s been assigned to take pictures of the group and all their activities during their seven day trip.

I’m just saying that this has been a real blessing for us, being able to send him to such beautiful country on an assignment. Finishing his studies here in Indonesia (like myself), he never had the opportunity to go abroad further than Singapore. But now, New Zealand, baby!

Henry has gone quite far from where he started. I’ve been mentoring quite a few people in my life, and the same truth always comes back: character will always take you further than talent. Does than mean that Henry got no talent? Of course not. What I meant is that I’ve seen a lot more talented people failed along the way because of the lack of character.

Henry is a smart guy, a keen learner, a very responsible individual, and humble hearted man. I am very lucky to have him on my team. Sure he could look a little quiet beside my big mouth, but hey, a man does not get judged by how often he speaks 🙂

Browsing our newly arranged website, and seeing his works, I am more amazed than ever. No, not amazed.

I am so proud.

  1. Woww,, so proud having Henry as my wedding photographer! 🙂
    hope for even brighter future for him..

  2. Edward and Henry, I am very happy for both of you. Here’s a quote that I think reflects the entry. “Your role as a leader is even more important than you might imagine. You have the power to help people become winners.” –Ken Blanchard.

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