folder Filed in Company Home, Thoughts
The View I Liked The Most
Edward Suhadi comment 2 Comments

Today is one of those National Wedding Day. Well, at least in Jakarta. We had every manpower we got shooting. Photo and video. There’s no one left. We even had to ask Victor to come down the mountain to do a wedding.


Just now, all the team’s vehicles pulled over into the headquarters at the same time. The team leaders, the second shooters, the runner boys, everyone were unloading, chatting, laughing, exchanging stories of this bride did that, an uncle was what, the food and drink was something something something. This busy scene of come together-ness, has always been the most beautiful view for me. I dunno why. Maybe it’s the togetherness? The fun of doing something as a team? Or maybe it’s a feeling that something that I planted from one tiny seed has turned out to be a field of big, strong trees.


Anyhow, it always reminds me of the words of an old African proverb:


‘If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you wanna go far, go together.’


Handry, Victor and Henry on a beach bar in Yogya

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