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Min and Ema
Edward Suhadi comment 4 Comments

This is Min and Ema. 

Min and Ema are husband and wife.

They are the caretaker of our church building.

They are in front of me right now.

They are talking.

They are talking like husband and wife.

I don’t see a lot of husband and wife talk like this these days.

Nowadays, usually couples talk to their phones.

Have a look at any couple around you. 

Right now.

I’m guessing more than half of them are looking down.

Not talking to each other.

It’s sad I know.

That’s why Min and Ema are so special.

No, Min and Ema could not afford an iPhone or a Blackberry, let alone an iPad.

And they certainly don’t understand status updates and timelines.

That’s why they talk like they talk right now.

To each other.

To the eyes.

They don’t need to have something to ask to talk to each other.

They talk, because they like to talk to each other.

I’m glad Min and Ema don’t have Blackberries (for now).

So they could inspire us.

The pathetic couples.

Let’s be more like Min and Ema.

Posted via email from Both Sides of The Lens Posterous

  1. On Sunday, I went to this restaurant in the South side of Jakarta, and I found a family consists of a father, a mother, and 2 very young kids. The older three were playing with their newest blackberries, while the youngest played with the I-pad. I bet the youngest was only around 10 years old. It was such an awkward situation, they didn’t talk AT ALL while waiting for their meal, while my family’s table was full of laughters (even though it was only three of us). When their food arrived, they talked only a bit, ate their meal quickly, and left. Those kids were VERY lucky to have a complete family, but they just didn’t communicate. My brother said, “Ci, probably they’re talking to each other, with the BBM…” (Haha, I did laugh..)

    I was very sad seeing that situation, and suddenly remembered my childhood, when my father was still alive. The four of us usually went out for lunch/ dinner during the weekend and we got very excited about the food we ordered. We talked about our plan for the week, or about the taste of the food, and then challenged my mom to cook the same food at home. I miss those times, when COMMUNICATING means TALKING EYES TO EYES and not TYPING. Glad you wrote about this, Edward.

  2. Nice story Ward,gw selalu membayangkan anak-anak gw suatu hari bisa mengalami seperti yg bapak nya pernah alami di masa kecil.Maen di kali, nangkap ikan, bikin katapel dll wahhh kayaknya susah di jaman sekarang dan kota besar.Kemajuan teknologi memang membantu tapi tidak semua berdampak positif.Min dan Ema menjadi teladan bahwa ga ikutin teknologi dan hidup sederhana ternyata juga bisa lebih bahagia..

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