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Live Maps! (so you wouldn't miss us) #IMESP
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

This is a kewl one 🙂

We made a simple GoogleMap so you folks could follow us around. Check out the full map here. You could always bookmark it. We had the link ready on the top of the blog sidebar there on your right.

The photographers will always try to update their current locations and have the guys in the office move our little avatar around, so it’s not really a “live” map, but “live” enough.

On places that Henry and Handry are going, the Google Maps are still on low resolution, but strangely on Halmahera, where I am going, you could see the coastal towns and beaches very clearly. It looks wonderful from up here 🙂 Here’s a sample of Labuha, the biggest town in Pulau Bacan, where I will be around 6 am Sunday morning (double click on the map to zoom in)

View IM LIVE Edward in a larger map

I also have marked the places where the Pengajar Muda are located. It’s probably not pin-point accurate, but you could get the idea.

View IM LIVE Edward in a larger map

Reminder: You could drag around, zoom in and zoom out the map for a better view.

More to come. I gotta finish tons of homework 😀