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Lagu Baru: The first few notes
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

Well, the exhibition is over.

It is well over a week, but we still have goosebumps remembering that three days.

Everything was perfect. The layout. The decor. The lighting. The music. The atmosphere. The hai and hellos. The giggles, laughters and tears.

Pictures should evoke emotions. And emotions were thrown all over the place on that three days.

People were literally crying, standing in front of the frames. On the other side of the wall panel, they were giggling. On the far corner, they were submerged in awe.

Here’s a video of the opening day by our very talented friend Fredy Wijaya

[youtube id=”Xy3TVLD87uU”]

We were lucky that Mr. Anies Baswedan himself could fit us in his amazingly tight, rock-star like schedule 🙂 Needless to say, I respect this dude so much 🙂 And I thank God that he was there 🙂 The opening went without a glitch. It was heart-warming, and simple enough to resemble a family gathering.

And for three days, that was the feeling. A gathering of old friends and new. People were hugging and shouting “Haiii!”. And amongst the laughter and Indonesian music, we hear the bell rang.

You see, everytime a picture is sold, we rang this bell and then the whole room will burst into an applause. A great way to cheer up the crowd and spread the optimism.

And there’s the movie. The Lagu Baru movie. Every two hours we have a little cinema experience, playing the movie on the screen while the crowd gather in the center empty space. You hear the occasion sob and sniff in between the laughter 🙂

And the mohawk. Yes. We finally sold out the pictures, and I was left with a scary, but eventually, cool haircut 🙂

There so much more to say, but I’ll leave you guys with the pictures 🙂

Here’s a series of our opening event from Fredy’s camera:

And lastly, the final mohawk 🙂

You can see more pictures on our Facebook Page – Most likely you’ll find your picture there 🙂

Thank you for all who supported this event. Either by helping us in preparation, by being there in the events, by sending us foods, by buying the frames, and by texting and retweeting the info for us. You know who you are, and we really appriciate everything that you did. We hope to do the same to you and pray that the Almighty may guard you in all of your ways.

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If you were there that day, you’ll see what we’re made of.

Yes we mainly shoot weddings, but you’ll see, at its core of this photo exhibition, what we believe in. What we believe in what photography should be like. What we believe in human connections. What we believe on how experiences and services for customers should be like.

This exhibition is a portrayal of us.
A perfect self-portrait.

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As for Lagu Baru. This is only the first few steps. The first few notes. A symphony is in the making.

We’ll see you soon.