folder Filed in Lifepartner
It's Valentine and I'm Happy
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

It’s Valentine’s Day and me and Francy are wearing our ragged clothes.

We just finished dinner of a simple soup over a chat on the dining table.

I know that ladies will always appriciate roses and chocolates today, but I also know she doesn’t mind at all when I did not prepare anything.

We instead spent the day shopping for a big project coming up next week.

You see, we’ve known each other for, gasp, 17 years.

‘Romance’ is a different vocabulary if you’ve known someone for that long. Maybe this kind of romance.

Despite some people say that ‘Valentine’s is made up to sell chocolates’ or the annual controversy of ‘banning Valentine’s Day because it promotes free sex’ crap – I can only see the good that today brings.

I see newlyweds posting pictures of flowers and chocolates.

I see people posting the Valentine’s dinner they haven’t had for years.

I see a couple who are both artists celebrating today in a unique way.

I see long time partners who posted the love letters they got from their lifepartners.

Despite what you think and how you perceive Valentine’s day, for a lot of people, it brings happiness.

And it makes me happy too.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Got this picture from a friend on Facebook 🙂
