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My First Pizza
Edward Suhadi comment One Comment

Finally, I bought an oven, after much-much procrastinating. This has opened up so much options for me, since the new home didn’t come with an oven, so its mainly boiled or stewed food, so sad, bwhahaha… Despite all the cooking books I had, which mostly have the food roasted 🙁 Well, tonite is another milestone in my kitchen life 🙂 I made myself and my wife some pizza, right from the scratch, from the dough and everything.

I got my recipe from Jamie Oliver’s latest book: Jamie At Home (you know the guy, rite? Famous chef from Brit, etc). Besides all of the great recipes, this book has become my personal favorite because of the pictures and the design of the book. If you love being in the kitchen, and you love art, and you love photography, you *have* to get one. The photography is by far the best I’ve ever seen in food photography, taken by a guy named David Loftus. I’ve seen other Jamie’s books with his work on them also, but I must say this latest book is David’s best work ever. The images are b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l… It’s so beautiful, I got shivers everytime I turn the pages 🙂 Check some of them out:

Let me say it again. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L 🙂 I’ve seen many, but in my personal opinion, he is the best in food photography 🙂 Mr. Loftus, if you are reading this…. *me kneeling down with worshipping gesture* 🙂 Your work has insipired me so much.

Well, back to my pizza. Like I said, this is my first time, so it’s rather messy, hahaha… I’ve never kneaded a dough in my life, but hey, life is about discoveries, and I must say, the sensation was quite awesome, hahaha…

After some sauce and meat and basil and garlic and mushroom and cheese, I’ve successfully baked my first pizza 🙂

Quite an accomplishment, hand-made pizza before 30, hahaha… And it tasted quite good! hahaha… Next stop, hand-made pasta! 🙂 (Check out the whole process here, in my flickr stream, photographed by Mrs. Suhadi)

cook pizza

  1. Yo, Edward! Nice looking Pizza. Did I tell you I’m a certified chef? 🙂 I can totally teach you how to make pasta. . . taught my brother and some friends.

    I’m on blogspot too!

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