folder Filed in Portraits
Ryan + Merlies Sexy Hot in Bali
Edward Suhadi comment 8 Comments

This one, we take it a little bit to the fashionista side. Ryan and Merlies were really up to it, and after a careful selection of items (and an intense shopping spree) we got what we wanted to wear.

The session was really a breeze, as you can see Merlies was really comfortable in front of the camera. Not many girls can stare directly to the lens, did you know that?

I love this series, combined with the full strength of sunshine on Bali, really makes this portraits alot more sexy-hot. The Limo Morris there, the owner said that it was the only Morris Limo in Indonesia. They literally chopped the car in two and add some body in between.

Make up by the fabulous Ade Adeline 🙂

Enjoy 😀


  1. Wow.. Thank you Mr. Edward for the beautiful artworks… Really miss the time we all spend in Bali :’) (kesasar & walking through the legian street smp keringetan) hohooho.. I love every picture especially the last one… Kalo judulnya ‘The A team’ kyny asik hehehe… Me & Ryan can’t wait until september to see another great pictures of our wedding… Big thanks! 🙂

  2. keren abis negh, romantis na dapet, suasana pantai na dapet..keren…..anak muda abis hahahah……serasi, happy 4ever ci mei & ko Ryan =) God bLess u married

  3. I’m grinning ear to ear looking at the photos.. Wouldn’t have it any other way.. Great job Mr. Edward.. See u on Sept.. Cheers 🙂

  4. style..mei sexy banget,ga sala ni temanya.hehe..gaya mei n ryan natural banget n warna nya cerah. Sukses buat mei n ryan. Congratz yaaa..! Ditunggu kabar2 gembira lainnya.. God bless u..

  5. Merlies, paling suka yang kayak di pic bb lu, pokoknya semua yang pake baju terusan bunga2 di pantai, semua bagus2!! yang pake terusan item dan bunga2 biru juga bagus, terlihat lebih dewasa daripada poto2 lainnya.. yang pake rompi merah bagus juga sih tp kesannya agak galak hehe… congratzzz yah

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