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The Last Night #IMESP
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

It’s kinda surreal.

When I was about to hit the lights on my out of the office tonite, I tried to remember when was the last time I have been away for three weeks long.

The question continued while I washed the dishes after a quiet late dinner with Francy and Henry: Have I ever been away that long?

I don’t think so.

Three weeks away from all the things that are nice and comfortable, while lugging away 11 kilograms each (me and Francy) of clothes and equipment to the harshest environments we have ever been.

But don’t worry. I am excited. We are excited.

While writing this I’m BBM-in with Henry and Handry and Weilin, who is one of the mentors in Indonesia Mengajar. She has been to all the places of Pengajar Muda, including the places that we’re going.

She’s telling us everything. From the uniqueness of the area to the places we can take a bath in the river. From what to eat to the stories of the students.

Before finishing up, she tells us to ‘tell the story’. Story of how one village is 30 minutes late because there’s only one clock there. The story of courage of a Pengajar Muda who drives 45 minutes alone in the deepest woods just to get to a remote village to teach. Story of how the people of one religion is learning to accept different believers as a fellow countrymen.

Suddenly, I feel that we’re on a mission.

There are people that still love this country, and the whole nation should see who they are. Maybe, just maybe, we could all learn from their stories.

Get the stories out.

We will.

Goodnight folks.

And really pray for us.

Read the story so far about the Indonesia Mengajar Adventure, and follow Edward Suhadi Productions twitter for instant updates