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Fellow Photogs *and* Videogs
Edward Suhadi comment 3 Comments
I just got back from a gathering organized by The Bella Donna group 

with fellow vendors. It was quite fun! Its been a dream for me to
gather all of the wedding photogs n videogs that I know, hv lunch or
something 🙂 sharing stories-experience-etc. Apparently David (Axioo) also hv that same dream. Its been too long for wedding photogs going on their own ways, not having some kind of “guild” where we can sit amongst friends. We’ll see how this goes 🙂

We had a blast, laughing to jokes that’s only funny to us wedding
photogs, hahaha… You see, on wedding days (read: work days) we don’t
have this kinda chance, so I believe for many (me included), this is
the first. I hope we could this more often guys! Good one!

Sent from my iPhone

bella donna gathering

  1. Im sorry Mr Videographer 🙂
    Ive edited the post
    Photographer ama Videographer baunya sama sih, hahaha…

  2. That’s right dude !! I was thrilled to finally meet up with a few who’s who behind all the cool shots i’ve seen in magazines. He he “kuper”
    let’s do this more often 🙂

    Don’t stop blogging! Keep up the good work bro! Always enjoyed your shots..real and so you.


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