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Whoa.. tired....
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

Hi all,

Nothing much happened here eh? Hahaha… I know I promise to write more, so forgive my broken promises 🙂 Just got home from Spore, shooting a very wonderful couple. Its like a 4 out of 5 stars on the ‘client niceness scale’ hahaha…. We really had a great time, but burnt out, since Jakartans are not accustomed to walking long distances. Hmmm, maybe if I moved to Singapore, I’ll lose some weight from all that walking, hehe…
I bought a new camera couple of weeks ago, a D300 – long awaited camera that will definetely kick a** – but the first shots are not ‘quite’ right. A new camera is like a new car maybe, you need to ‘get to know each other’ – feeling the steering wheel, the clutches, turn radius, torque, all is very different from your old car. So the first shots are a bit ‘off target’ in terms of color, handling and etc. Right before this Spore trip I spend some time tinkering and getting to know the new camera, and it is definetely gonna kick a**!!! Hehehe… just as the review on the internet, low light capabilities – more saturated color, sharpness, body built, better autofocus – yum!!!  After letting the couples know should I be able to post some here. In the mean time: just wonder, hehee…
So, off I go, gotta sleep, tommorow shooting another client, 4 am, wow, hehehe… C U guys soon…