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The Demon Barber Contest
Edward Suhadi comment 17 Comments

You guys have heard of the latest movie by Johny Depp, rite? ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street’?

Well, I too ran into a similiar situation that could be turned into a sequel of that particular movie. So what happened was, the client was having her make-up retouched in an old hair-saloon owned by the hubby-to-be grandma. Having nothing to do, and feeling quite hot because of my already long hair, I turned to her and asked would she mind if I have a quick haircut while I was waiting for her. She didn’t mind at all, and quickly asked for some guy from the back to ‘take good care of me’. Suddenly this mean-looking tough guy came out from the door, asking, “Where’s the guy?” This guy was what I would call a ‘bouncer’ (you know, in the movies, where they have a huge mean looking guy or two guarding the entrance and make sure everything is cool), fit to be in the one of the brawl-prone nightclubs, or a dangdut place for that matter. Let me show some visual aids to help you understand better.

So I was sitting there, hoping not to distract the guy, keeping my mouth shut, and praying the Lord’s Prayer repeatedly. Fortunetely the experience only last for a couple of minutes, ending the session with a disasterous hairstyle sitting on my head… (of course I keep this opinion to myself…) Oh, well…

To make things interesting, I’m putting this next image with some fill-it-yourself-bubbles.

If you got a minute or two to kill, and some wild imagination in that head of yours, please leave some comments with your version of the story. Example:

Bubble 1: “Pak, tolong potong seperti rambutnya David Axioo ya…”
Bubble 2: “SUDAH JANGAN BAWEL!!! Axioo-axioo… saya bikin kayak rambut Mario The Nine MAU??!!”
Bubble 3: “Bapa kami yang ada di surga……”
(For those of you not familiar with the names, David and Mario are fellow wedding photographers here in Indonesia, one with the ‘Dragon Ball’ hairstyle, the other with ‘Eminem’ 🙂 haha… peace guys!)

Got it? C’mon, don’t hesitate to join the fun! Just click the link “comments” below… hehehe… would love to have some laugh… Andddd… I”ll even pick a winner and have his/her comment printed inside the bubble. Leave ur name if you are not shy 🙂 (select the option to post with name)

PS: If this turned out to get a good response, I’ll make some more in the future 🙂


  1. Bubble 1: “udah lama pak kerja jd tukang cukur?”

    Bubble 2: “ini baru kerja lagi, setelah 6bln off. Sy baru keluar penjara gara2 dituntut klien minta kupingnya dibalikin”

    Bubble 3:***GULP***

  2. Bubble 1: “Pak, Bapak yg maen di serial tv “prison break” yah?

    Bubble 2: “bukan, saya ex-janitor LP cipinang!, tadi barusan cuci kloset pake bare-naked hands belom sempet cuci tangan”

    Bubble 3: “…..”

  3. Bubble 1: “Pak jabrix model bart simpson, tuo sau chien?”

    Bubble 2: “Buat kamu ga usah bayar deh, Tapi kasih saya kecup pipi kamu sekaliiiiiii aja yah abis-nya daritadi ngegemesin sih, please?”

    Bubble 3: “Haram Jadah”

  4. Bubble 1: “Udah lama buka bisnis barber begini pak?”

    Bubble 2: “Wah itu sih ntar tanya yg punya aja, biasanya jam-jam makan siang baru dateng, soalnya saya juga customer kaya situ”

    Bubble 3: “What the…?$?!@!#”

  5. bubble1 : wah…rapi juga nih potongan bapak. rame donk salon ini ?

    bubble2 : yah…ada lah cuan cuan dikit.
    potongin rambut sebulan…liburan ke maldives 2 bulan. agak bosan jg sih setelah jalanin 3 taon.

    bubble3 : (wah….boleh jg tuh. pindah profesi ah…..jadi edwardsuhadi beauty salon)

  6. Bubble 1: “Pak buruan yah potong-nya, istri saya nunggu di bangku tuh!!”

    Bubble 2: “Berisik akh!, Mending diemmm aja daripada istri bapak saya jabrik-in juga rambut-nya”

    Bubble 3: “francy – jabrik?(wondering)”

  7. Bubble 1: “This chair is so comfy…”

    Bubble 2: “Oh, Enjoy it while you can, 5 more minutes debt collector will take it away, jadi ntar guntingnya duduk dilantai yah!!”

    Bubble 3: (…)

  8. Bubble 1 : Pak, potongnya jangan terlalu pendek yah bagian sampingnya..saya takut terlihat makin bundar dan bulat

    Bubble 2 : Lebih baik kamu diam dan pasrah,dari pada saya salah potong ke leher kamu!!

    Bubble 3 : dalam hati ( Francyyyyyyyyyy, help meeeeee!!!)

  9. Bubble 1:”Pelan-pelan ya pak..”

    Bubble 2:”Jadi kamu mau terima Tuhan Yesus ga?”

    Bubble 3:”Atur aja deh pak, yang penting saya selamet..”

  10. bubble 1: mas, rambut saya mo di gondrongin donk.
    bubble 2: @#$% loe pikir rambut loe kayak razpunsel, gua bikin plontos tau rasa loe
    bubble 3: …kan ada hair extension…

  11. Bubble 1: “Maaas, rambutnya alus banget deh… sering dirawat yak?”

    Bubble 2: “Indang jadi ngak tega nih gentongnya… syang-syang gimana gitu deh… Tapi-tapi, indang pgen banget neh buat mas tambah gimenong gitoo loh… Sini gentongnya pelan-pelan aja yak mas!”

    Bubble 3:”Waduh… bad choice of d day neh!!!”

    ciao – B!

  12. Bubble 1: “mas, yang sebelah kiri rada kurang rapih dikid”

    Bubble 2: “diam! nanti saya gunduli baru tau rasa!”

    Bubble 3: -___-‘

  13. Bubble 1: “Kenapa pak, koq megang rambut saya pelan-pelan kaya gitu?”

    Bubble 2: “Sssttt… ada kecoak lagi kawin pak di rambut bapak, saya ga mo ganggu!”

    Bubble 3: “(Monyong!!!)”

  14. you`re the best and you`re my favs wedding photographer broooooo Edward…

    kocak abezzz…sampe ngakak gulung tikar neh bacanya heheheee…

    gw juga mao ah potong ala Mario biar irit shampoo wakakakaka secara BBM naek musti ngirit bro hahahaha

  15. Dude…you’re the funniest!! Hue he he, dasar orang gokil kurang kerjaan! Btw kapan motretnya tuh?

    Dragonball hair is my lucky charm, working on the trademark now he he..

    Consider becoming a comedian..really.

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