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*beep* Mia!
Edward Suhadi comment 0 Comments

I’ve just watched ‘Mamma Mia!’ over at the movies last nite. I wasn’t planning to go, first mainly I lost all interest because the title is the same with a TV talent show playing here in Indonesia which I hated so much (sorry fans). Everytime I hear ‘Mamma Mia’ I’m not picturing ABBA or Meryl Streep or beautiful Greek islands, but a stage with all these horrible singing act, producers with cheap exploitative-tear-jerkers tricks and a show that can go on for 5 hours on a single night, talking about god-knows-what and slapstick jokes and caffeine-drink sponsors. It really is a turn off for me.

And second I know that this is kinda a ‘chick flick’ movie (yknow, girl meets boy fall in love and live happily ever after). But then I heard all kind of good reviews on it, it got aƂĀ 50% rating on,(despite the low figure, anything over 40% is worth watching šŸ™‚ these guys are hard to please), and I just found out that it was in fact a Broadway musical made into a movie. I love musicals. I have had directed a couple of musical of myself, and I sure have a lot of respect of stage performances (it’s not easy as it looks like folks). I think the effort of putting the stories, characters, songs and singing, not to mention the great backdrops and the dances, is really something hard to do šŸ™‚

I never thought that I would say this, but I really-really enjoy the movie. First of all the backdrop is very similiar with Positano, the little Italian town on my last trip. Meditteranian and beachy, with all the steps on the hills and the blue seas and white painted wodden villas (God, I miss the place). All the scenes, yknow, relatives coming down, all the shrieking and hugging girls when they first meet, families having meals together, wedding dresses and flowers getting prepped, its like de-ja-vu šŸ™‚ The director of photography really is doing a good job.
The actors are also brilliant. Merryl Streep is on a class of its own, and all the cast are doing very fine šŸ™‚ Having the correct cast is the key to a good movie I think šŸ™‚ And seeing the chemistry working out on the bridesmaids and mom’s friends, it’s really-really entertaining.ƂĀ 
And, ohh, the song and the dances, hahaha… I don’t remember ABBA songs being that good, especially with some dances and exotic scenery for the background šŸ™‚ It really shows when a movie is doing it’s job, it’s when people watching it feels entertained, with that warm fuzzy feeling inside. Seeing the choreographed dances, the actors and actressed running around this beautiful island and jumping over the bluest water you could possibly imagine, with the tunes you’re stuck in your head since forever, I know that I am entertained. One of the reviewers said, “Watching Mamma Mia! is like taking a vacation.” Amen to that brother!
Movies can be stunningly beautiful, with a great plot and cool special CG effects, but if people coming out of the theater feeling nothing, I think it’s not a great movie. Another reviewer said it best, “Mamma Mia! is entertainment, not a movie. And as entertainment goes, it belts out of the park.” I will bet that you will be humming ‘Dancing Queen’ all the way on the drive home šŸ™‚
For those of you that got nothing to do in this holiday season, grab a ticket and give it a try. The only scary thing is when Pierce Brosnan started to sing solo. Just close your eyes and cover your ears and have the guy next to you to nudge when it is all over šŸ™‚
*now where’s that ABBA Gold Edition CD that I used to have…

greek movies review streep