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I know this blog looks deserted
Edward Suhadi comment One Comment

Blame Twitter.

That’s rite. Blame that little blue birdie. Because y’know, blogging is about expressing and sharing and telling people what you do, see and think. Twitter does that, with a flick of a thumb on my phone. No need to compose and think of an opening, and then the content, and then an ending. Have a thought? Just write 140 character on the phone, and you’re done. So my needs to write (I love to write) and express things that are happening around me goes to my Twitter feed. New to Twitter? Gosh, you need some help. Twitter is really-really neat. Some people don’t like it, but hey, people used to hate digital cameras. And Macintosh computers.The world is changing, whether you are on board or not. Go here to get started.

The thing about social networks, or ‘online presence’ as I like to say it, is things kinda overlapping each other. Here I have a ‘Recent Works’ section in my website, then I have a Facebook Profile, then a Facebook Page for Edward Suhadi Photography, then I have my Twitter Feed, and then of course I have this blog. Gosh, I’m having headaches just writing those down. So to be honest, sometimes I got this great content, but confused on where to put it. But no worries, that’s my problem, I’ll figure it out.

Things been kinda heavy these past months. Lotsa thing happenning, also in my personal life. But hey, change is good. Really good. We humans tend to sit still on our butts and do nothing when everything is going well. Always perceive change from a good point of view. I always see change as a way of God telling me to straighten things up, or showing the way in my life.

I did a lot of travelling lately also, and man, it was a tiring thing to do. I always am a bit of a cry-baby when it comes to personal health, so these days I am trying to have enough rest as possible before the next wave of work coming in.

So hopefully after this no-point post, I will put up a couple of new work I have been doing, the latest, or the not so latest 🙂

For of you who faithfully coming here to take a peek, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know you are dissapointed when you come here and see dust all over the place. Will try my best to continue keep things fresh and smelling great here.

See you guys soon,

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